
Making an automatic table of contents in essays or dissertations seems simple, but not for some of you who are not familiar with Word. Some of your difficulties are.

Bạn đang xem: Cách tạo heading trong word 2010

Failure lớn mix multiple headings causes the table of contents to be incomplete or the headings lớn be at the same cấp độ.How tocreate a table of contents automaticallyon the blank page & the nội dung starts from page 1?It’s difficult for Hieu to lớn agree with this installation, but through this article, I won’t get there.Heading và table of contents bad format, hard to see.Do not update page numbers and headings when you change content.

Briefly, your difficulties are lượt thích that, now let’s get to work.

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Setting headings in word

To use headings in word effectively and save sầu time editing the format, you need to lớn create headings with multiple levels from the beginning (usually from 1 khổng lồ 6). It says it’s created, but it’s actually available; it just doesn’t show it to lớn you.

Create headings in word

At the Word interface on the trang chủ tab, cliông chồng the Style button or press the Alt Ctrl Shift S key combination to lớn display the Style panel.


The Paragraph panel that appears shows that it is only different from the paragraph format in the Spacing section. It would be best if you put Line spacing as your paragraph format. As for Before và After, you consider 0 lớn 2 only.

For the sake of beauty, I recommkết thúc that the Paragraphs of the headings are formatted the same. Simple is the best :))

This thing repeats for all headings and whatever you vị, rethành viên to lớn check New documents based on this template. Don’t listen lớn that toad.

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To kiểm tra if it has been saved forever, press Ctrl N (open a new file) to see if it’s saved like that; if not, turn off the newly opened tệp tin & go bachồng to the unsaved place in New documents based on this template.

Ok fine! Now we vì the rest has added the table of contents automatically.

Create automatic table of contents in Word

Creating a table of contents in wordwith the image below will help you miễn phí :)) You need lớn follow the order of the steps below.

Add headings lớn headings

To easily manage headings, you should turn on Navigation by Ctrl F (find) as shown.

In the Navigation bar, select the Heading tab to see how they represent the headings arranged.

For example, below, chapter 1 is the highest level; I chose it as heading 1 (leave the mouse on that line & cliông chồng on heading 1). Immediately on the Heading tab of the Navigation bar, Chapter 1 appears, as shown below. In the other headings, you do the same và observe the Heading tab to see if they are in the right place.

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To delete headings, click Normal. When you’re done, rethành viên lớn Ctrl-A và change the text color to blaông chồng for the headings to be less gaudy!!

After attaching all headings to lớn the headings, you will have sầu a beautiful table of contents; continue reading the following steps.

White page break in Word

Usually, the nội dung will start from page 1. And you have sầu trouble inserting the table of contents where the content starts from another page number while the table of contents or other introductions eat from page 1