
Contrary to lớn what some people might think, burning an ISO tệp tin to a USB drive sầu is not the same as copying it. It’s a much more detailed process, which might even involve sầu using third-party apps. Among mỏi other things, knowing how khổng lồ burn ISO files to lớn a USB drive can over up saving your data.

Bạn đang xem: Cách burn file iso ra usb

Go khổng lồ the three dots in the bottom-right corner of your screen.
Clichồng “mở cửa.”
Next to lớn “Drive:” also select your USB.Click on “Ok.”
Launch the Rufus Tool.Under “Device,” find your USB from the drop-down thực đơn and click on it.
Go to lớn the “Select” option.
Choose “Start” in the bottom-right corner of the window.
Change the Boot so that “USB/Removable devices” is first on the danh mục.Cliông xã “Open” in the upper-left corner of the program.Go lớn “Change output folder” in the bottom-left corner of the screen.Go to “Extract” in the bottom-right corner.

Additional FAQs

How Do I Burn an ISO File khổng lồ a Disc?

You also have the option to burn an ISO tệp tin khổng lồ a disc. Here’s how you can do it on Windows:

1. Insert an empty disc into your computer, whether it’s a CD or DVD.

2. Find the ISO file that you want to lớn burn.

3. Right-clichồng on the file and choose “Burn disk image.”

4. Choose the “Verify disc after burning” option.

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5. Go to the “Burn” button in the bottom-right corner of the window.

6. Wait for the ISO file to be burned to lớn the disc.

7. Choose “Cthua kém.”

To burn an ISO file lớn a disc on your Mac, follow the steps below:

1. Insert an empty disc.

2. Open “Finder.”

3. Locate the ISO tệp tin and cliông chồng on it.

4. Go to lớn “File” on the top toolbar.

5. Choose the “Burn disc image” from the các mục of options.

6. Cliông chồng on “Burn.”

That’s about it. Now all you have sầu lớn vì is wait for the burning process lớn be completed, and you can take out the disc from your computer.

Import Files as ISO Images lớn USB Drives

Now you know how lớn burn ISO files khổng lồ a USB drive sầu. You also know how to import different operating systems into ISO files so that you can reinstall them on different devices. While the Rufus Tool is the best option for burning ISO images to a flash drive, there are countless other software programs that you can use for this purpose.

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Have you ever burned an ISO file to lớn a USB drive? Did you use any of the methods outlined in this article? Let us know in the comments section below.